My Role: Lead Designer/Art Director AR Company: Blippar Clients: AOL & Paramount
We partnered with AOL to support the promotion of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, released in the summer of 2016. The promotion is taking place on the Xbox via a Branded Destination Experience (BDE). When an Xbox player lands on this page, they are prompted to blipp the TMNT page (the marker) to unlock a free "Tartaruga Brothers" truck avatar prop. The Blippar experience is being shared across the US to support the film’s release, as well as Brazil, UK, Italy, Germany, France, and Spain. This campaign was meant to be small but fun interactive campaign. Usually these types of campaigns are advertising experiments to see how the public will react to an augmented reality experience, since AR is still very much a young tech at this time. Overall goal of 52k interactions were met just in 5 days after promotion.
Creative Director: Mark Fortner
Associate Creative Director: Brian Morales
3D Generalist/Illustrator: JoAnn Kang Lead Developer: Eric Kollegger
Project Manager: Gareth Upton

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